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General terms and conditions of business:
This for your information
I work in the therapeutic field and am not a doctor.
My treatments and recommendations do not replace a doctor's visit.
Complaints and clinical pictures must first be clarified with a doctor.
The therapeutic treatments are based on Ayurvedic principles and ethical principles.
The current health situation and the needs of the client determine the selection of the type of treatment.
The cooperation of the client and following the instructions are prerequisites for the success of the therapy and the avoidance of undesirable side effects.
data protection
I, Elke Brunner Ammann, am subject to a legal duty of confidentiality, like any doctor or naturopath.
The client undertakes to inform me of medical diagnoses and health problems so that the treatments and measures can be adjusted and possible contraindications can be ruled out.
The measures I recommend for home use are carried out independently.
I take no responsibility for this.
All treatments/consultations will be shortened accordingly in the event of late arrival and charged at the full price.
Appointments will be charged for non-compliance or cancellations of less than 24 hours.
I am recognized by health insurance companies. ZSR-Nr. U350563
Please clarify at the beginning of your therapy with your health insurance company whether Ayurveda treatments are covered by your supplementary insurance!
terms of payment
The individual treatments/consultations are paid for in cash.
Deviations must be clarified before the treatment or consultation.
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